Local Action Group »From Pohorje to Bohor«

Programme: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
Local action group (LAG) “From Pohorje to Bohor” consists of municipalities Dobje, Dobrna, Oplotnica, Slovenske Konjice, Šentjur, Vitanje and Zreče (area in eastern part of Slovenia, between two big cities, Celje and Maribor). It stretches on 529 square km and it has a population of 48.000, with an average density of 90 inhabitants per square km.

The Leader area with 7 municipalities “From Pohorje to Bohor”
Members of the LAG are representatives of different societies, associations, local economy, municipalities, different public institutions and services, and active individuals. With their joint effort they wish to contribute to the sustainable and comprehensive development of the area.
Development Agency Kozjansko serves as the administrative body of the LAG.
In 2008 seven projects were implemented in joint amount of 218.000 EUR.